What to do after a “bad” food day

Love this post and image from Courtney!
Hi Everyone,

I found a great little graphic which really illustrates the importance of not “beating” ourselves up constantly about bad food choices or the occasional slip in your normal diet. Yes, everyone gets tempted by tasty treats and sometimes we slip into bad eating habits, but the important thing to remember is to:

a. Put down the rest of the (insert your unhealthy food here)

b. Look at the reason why you binged

c. Understand the trigger (what is stress, boredom, tiredness etc)

d. Remember that there are plenty more meals to come in the week and one slip up does not equal doomsday, nor does it warrant you to throw in the towel and continue the cycle!

e. Pre plan your next meal and make sure it is something super healthy, to bring you back on track!

It’s all about consistency, so keep this mind

Be fit!

