Are you allowing yourself to be happy and healthy?

Are you allowing yourself to be happy and healthy?

Good morning! How are you today? Ready for another big week? It seems as though Christmas is really sneaking up on us this year. If you are like me, then you would have been surprised when you started to see christmas decorations and lights in the stores and trees being put up! Surely it can’t be that time already!

Today we are looking your lifestyle on a deeper level, particulary the ways that you might stop yourself from really having what you want in life.

Ask yourself these questions:

– Do you always downplay your success around friends and family so that you “fit in”?

– Do you keep your dreams and goals to yourself, thinking that others will say they are ridiculous and not acheivable?

– Do you find yourself sabotaging your own success, whether it be in your career, relationships or health?

– Are you easily swayed by people not to stick to your diet or workouts?

– Do you feel as though your friends become jealous if you start to lose weight and feel better?

– Do you think it’s possible to really acheive your dream body?

– Do you exercise and eat properly for 2 weeks then throw in the towel, binge and start all over again?

If you answered yes to the majority of those questions, it illustrates that you may be sabotaging your own success because you truely don’t think you have the right to look beautiful, feel amazing and regain your vitality.

Have a close look at the 6 people you spend the most time with. Do they represent your ideal lifestyle? Are they happy, healthy, have great relationships, supportive, motivating and inspiring?

You don’t need to follow negative patterns or habits just because the people around you do. It’s your life and if you want to see change then the only person that can make that happen is you!

If you want to kick start your fitness plan in December then do it! Don’t let others sabotage your goals by telling you to wait until January. If you want to have a healthy Christmas without all the alcohol and sugary treats then go for it!

Allow yourself to pass your own expectations. Believe that you can have the lifestyle that you desire. Strive to be healthy and don’t feel bad when other people make negative comments about your choices. It’s your life – live it!
