Secrets of Highly Effective Exercisers

I found this information below in an article I read and thought it was a great secret for you to have a think about (and then do something with it).

A Consumer Reports survey of 20,000 readers has helped to narrow down the secrets of those who most closely meet the recommended guidelines for regular exercise. Fifty-eight percent of the survey’s “successful exercisers” participate in at least three different activities each week, 30 percent go to the gym at least three times per week, and over half are motivated by a health concern other than weight loss—managing depression, back pain, diabetes, or a heart problem. The regular exercisers surveyed were also ten times more likely than the “unsuccessful” exercisers (those who worked out, but not enough to reap benefits) and sedentary respondents to work out with free weights.
If you struggle to maintain a regular workout schedule, try lifting a few lessons from these successful exercisers. Don’t be afraid to try new activities, and to mix and match your favorites to create a routine with plenty of variety. A health club membership may also help motivate you. Finally, while your hard work may not immediately be reflected on the scale, you should still find that it boosts your mood, relieves stress, and helps you sleep better.